YogaBodyworkers Training in Berlin
10 Day Course Increase Skills in Hand's on Bodywork and Forrest Yoga.
You Will experience 10 Days of increasing your Mastery!
10 Day Course Increase Skills in Hand's on Bodywork and Forrest Yoga.
You Will experience 10 Days of increasing your Mastery!
This 10-day training is focused on how to work one-on-one with injuries and common pain syndromes. You will learn how to "see" structural issues in the body by learning the 16 most important structural muscles and how to address them with MyoFascial Bodywork, Muscle Function Testing, & Forrest Yoga. This course is co-taught by it's creators, Forrest Yoga Guardians, Brian Campbell and Jambo Truong.
I am excited and proud to be co-teaching this Foundational TTC with my Yoga teacher of 15 years, Ana Forrest, as her apprentice. This is a very special training with an amazing team of trainers including Jambo Truong, as Lead Assistant, and Sita Menon, Alexandra Sagorz, and Darren Volmiller. This training is being hosted by of Berlin.
To Register and for more info:
This short-course in MyoFascial Release Bodywork and Forrest Yoga is designed to give students more experience in working one-on-one with injuries and specific body tensions.
10 Day Course Increase Skills in Hand's on Bodywork and Forrest Yoga.
You Will experience 10 Days of increasing your Mastery!
This 4 Day Mentorship program is the 2nd half of the Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program.
5 Workshops on combined Forrest Yoga and MyoFascial Release Bodywork
Lightning in a Bottle is one of my most favorite festivals of the entire year! Sooooo much good music, culture, beauty, and art! This will be my third year teaching at LIB. Check out my blog and pictures from the last two years.
Yoga Ceremonies for Self Healing
Activate your “inner healer” and learn to mend the parts of your body and spirit that have been injured, neglected, or abused. This is transformational work that will hone your skills in self-care & empowerment. Each class will be assisted by Szilvia Campbell and accompanied musically by Ali Tariq and 11-year old son, Adrian Campbell.
YogaBodyworkers: Releasing the Neck in Savasana
Learn how to create the best Savasana hands-on assist ever! This hands-on workshop will teach you how to energize “your healing hands”, connect to your community, and perform amazing Myo-Fascial Release Bodywork techniques on a partner. This gift of touch is great for common neck pain, headaches, anxiety, tight shoulders, and short breath. No experience or partner is necessary, you will be paired up.
This 4 day program is part of 1 the Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program.
First time ever, YogaBodyworkers Training is being offered in China! This 10-Day training in MyoFascial Bodywork, Muscle Function Testing, & Forrest Yoga will teach you how to work one on one with people with injuries and specific muscular complaints.
Sunny Yoga
Shenzhen, China
This training is da' bomb!!! You gotta check it out!
Marvel in a nutshell! A yummy taster weekend of Forrest Yoga, Applied Anatomy, and Myo-Fascial Bodywork
The weekend's educational focus is on pelvic tilts & rotations.
Everybody has a different type of pelvic tilt and rotation unique to their structure and personality. Becoming aware of the many complex variables that create each person's posture sensibilizes our skills in adressing a person's postural uniqueness.
These two days of comprehensive practicing and learning offer an advanced understanding of pelvic tilts and rotations, how to visually “see” postural specifics and differences, and how to address them through Forrest Yoga and Myo-Fascial Release Bodywork.
Saturday, Nov 5th, 9:00 - 11:00
Forrest Yoga Morning Practice
“To Tuck or Not To Tuck - the Relative Notion of the Ideal Spinal Curve”
This Forrest Yoga intensive practice is designed to educate you about your own spine, and to identify the moves that are specifically beneficial -and counterproductive- in regard to its characteristics.
Saturday, Nov 5th , 13:00 - 17:00
Educational spotlight:
Low Backs - Flat & Arched, Anterior & Posterior Tilts
Unified Anatomy & MyoFascial Meridian Theory
Q&A on Posture, Pain, Yoga & Bodywork
Hands-on MyoFascial Release work with Partner
Sunday, Nov 6th, 9:00-11:00
Forrest Yoga Morning Practice
“Open your Lifeforce - Unkinking Postural Twists and Rotations”
This intensive practice delves into the world of right/left imbalances and seeks to discover ways of opening the stuck energy that lives in these places.
Sunday, Nov 6th, 13:00-17:00
Educational spotlight: Pelvic & Spinal Rotations
Unified Anatomy & MyoFascial Meridian Theory
Q&A on Posture, Pain, Yoga & Bodywork
Hands-on MyoFascial Release work with Partner
Mmmnnnn......These classes give you a double tweet......strong and therapeutic Forrest Yoga and deep, delicious MyoFascial Bodywork.
Day 1 Neck & Shoulders
Day 2 Hips & Low Back
Each Day begins with a 75 minute Forrest Yoga class sequenced to address our target areas. The second part is focused on MyoFascial Bodywork, a hand's on form of therapeutic deep-tissue massage. We will have a demonstration of techniques and a handout on the common pain syndromes associated with these areas, it's structural anatomy, and how to support it back to finer functioning with Yoga and Bodywork
Indaba Yoga, London UK
Moving Stuck Energy - Releasing Tension with Yoga & Bodywork
with Brian & Szilvia Campbell
Day 1 - The Low Back & Hips
Day 2 - The Neck & Shoulders
Learn how to free-up tension from these common trouble-spots. This is a great workshop if you have injuries, new or old. You will learn valuable skills to help strengthen and bring balance to these areas.
Each day of this weekend workshop has 4 parts. First, a 90 minute Forrest Yoga class sequenced and guided to strengthen & support the day’s focused area. Second, will be a quick Anatomy Discussion with handout outlining the important points for addressing issues in these areas. Thirdly, we will demonstrate 2 highly effective hand’s on assisting Bodywork techniques. And fourthly, everyone will be partnered up and practice the techniques with each other.
By feeling with the Yoga, visually seeing & hearing with the Anatomy discussion, and then using your hands to feel and then receive touch will leave with a deeper of understanding of your own body and effective ways to release it’s tension.
Bring a friend, or come alone. All levels are welcome.
The Yoga Room, Edinburgh, Scotland
YogaBodyworkers Training is coming to England! This training will teach you how to work one on one with people who have injuries or specific muscular complaints. Join Forrest Yoga Guardian Teachers, Brian Campbell & Jambo Truing as they take on a healing journey training you in the arts of MyoFascial Bodywork, Muscle Function Testing, and Forrest Yoga.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England
Forrest Yoga 3-Day CET
Enhancing Your Touch- The Lower Body
MyoFascia, Hands-on Assisting, & Unified Anatomy Theory
Who this training is for:
This 3-day training is designed especially for Forrest Yoga Teachers but is open to Yoga Teachers from all backgrounds who want a more thorough understanding of the Myo-Fascial System, those interested in working with specific injuries of the lower body, and those with a desire to learn more hand’s on work.
Graduation from a Yoga Teacher Training Course
Course Description:
This training teaches Teachers how to “see” and comprehend structural patternsthrough a Unified Anatomy Perspective based on the Myo-Fascial System. You will learn and practice techniques including how to work one-on-one with specific pain syndromes, how to address the Myo-Fascia with hand’s on yoga assists, and “seeing & empathing”exercises designed for enhanced global seeing. Most importantly, you will learn to trust in your own sense of touch and marvel at the new depths you will begin to feel.
Daily Schedule:
Each day begins with a Morning Intensive that includes Calling in the Four Directions, Chanting, and Meditation followed by an asana practice. The afternoon sessions focus on teaching you how to “see” global anatomy relationship and to be more effective with your hand’s on assisting when working one-on-one.
Total Hours:
22.5 CEU’s
Equilibrium Yoga, Peterborough, UK
Yoga Ceremonies for Self-Healing
Activate your “inner healer” and learn to mend the parts of your body and spirit that have been injured, neglected, or abused. This is transformational work that will hone your skills in self-care & empowerment. Each class will be assisted by Szilvia Campbell and accompanied musically by Ali Tariq and 10-year old son, Adrian Campbell. Brian is teaching three 90 minute classes on Thursday, Friday, & Sunday.
September 8-11
Joshua Tree, California
This 5-day Yoga & Ceremony Retreat is led by 5 amazing Senior Forrest Yoga Teachers including Erica Mather, Alison English, Kelley Rush, Gregory Jamiel, and myself. The retreat is hosted by the internationally acclaimed Kripalu Retreat Center, set in the beautiful rolling hills of Berkshires in Massachusetts.
Each Day of the Retreat is focused on taking you deeper into your Yoga practice and deeper within yourself through Ceremonial work.
This program is open to graduates from the Forrest Yoga Foundational Training Course.
Each day begins with 2.5 hours of Forrest Yoga intensive and Ceremony. Followed by 5.5 hours of afternoon training including: writing processes, talking circles, hand's on assisting clinics, class sequencing, actual class teaching, feedback on teaching and assisting, help with completing FY homework and Level 2 Certification.
Dates: Part 1 & 2, Part 3 & 4: July 7-10
Location: Los Angeles, California