Filtering by: Forrest Yoga

to Jan 12

Treating Pain with MyoFascial Bodywork & Yoga: Las Vegas, Nevada

This short course goes deep right away into ways of helping pain, addressing biomechanical compensation patterns, and reducing overall stress and tension levels in the body, mind, and Spirit. You will learn ways of feeling into your own body’s pattern through yoga to discover what is compensating, doing most of the work, and what is underused. We will use Forrest Yoga, therapeutically inspired variations, and hand’s on MyoFascial Release Bodywork to educate our own body and learn new tools for helping ourselves and others.

The morning portion begins with opening Ceremony, Songs, & Yoga. The afternoons will be dedicated to learning hand’s on work with partners. Bring a friend, or come by yourself. All levels, all body types, and all injuries are welcome.

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to Dec 12

Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program 8-Day Intensive Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles, 90034 U.S.A. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program is designed for graduates of the Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training Course to go deeper into their Self-Development, Teaching & Healing Skills.  This intensive format includes 8 consecutive days of immersion in asana, hands-on assisting, sequencing, and teaching. It is an opportunity to dive deeper into the medicine of Forrest Yoga to build upon the tools and growth experienced in the Teacher Training. It is  the chance to activate your passion as a student, your unique authenticity as a teacher and at the same time strengthen your body and your healing skills.

Following the the 8-day training, you will stay connected as a group for 4 consecutive months, through bridge calls led by Brian. These calls are an opportunity for Beauty Reports, Q & A, Homework Check-in, and each have teachings  on key principles of Forrest Yoga.

Benefits include: 

  • Going Deeper into your Personal Development as a Teacher & Healer

  • Being in Active Community with other Forrest Yoga Teachers

  • Increase Hands-on Assisting Skills & Seeing Skills

  • Opportunities for Teaching and Assisting with Mentor Feedback

  • Q&A’s with Mentor regarding Business, Homework Certification, Working with Injuries, Anatomy & Compensation Patterns, & the Questions that Arise in the Healing Work of You and Your Students

  • Fulfills Requirement for Level 3 Forrest Yoga Certification


December 4-12, 2019

Location: Los Angeles, California

Bridge Call Dates: TBA

Daily Schedule: 

9am - 11:30am Morning Session

1:30 - 6:30pm

Registration, Fees, & Policies:

Cost: $1800 Full Price

$!600 Early Bird by August 20

A deposit of $600 is required to enroll. The balance of the registration fee must be paid before the program begins.

Cancellations prior to 2 months before training begins will receive %100 refund. Cancellations between 2 months and before 2 weeks prior to the training receive 50% refund. Cancellations after 2 weeks before the training will be refunded 25% of fee. No refunds given after the training has begun.

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to Oct 6

Indaba Yoga Workshop MyoFascial Bodywork & Yoga: London, United Kingdom

This short weekend course is a celebration of the healing power of Touch. Each day begins with a short Forrest Yoga class to get you feeling alive and invigorated in your body. The classes will focus on therapeutic variations of classic poses designed for increasing our sense of pleasure. Afterwards we will partner up and learn MyoFascial Bodywork techniques to relieve tension and ease restrictions in our major joints. Day one is focused on the neck and shoulders. Day two is focused on the hips and low back.

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to Sep 27

Yoga & MyoFascial Bodywork Training for Pain & Injuries Zhongshan, China

This 5 Day Training teaches you how to work more effectively with pain and injuries in your own body and in your students. This training will your boost your confidence in being able to work with many conditipns: low back pain, neck pain, scar-tissue from surgeries, headaches, breath dysfunction, disc injuries, muscle/tendon injuries, Jaw Tension,.

MyoFascial Release Bodywork is a form of Structural Massage that focuses on releasing adhesions between the layers of muscles, tendons, scars, and joints. This improves fluid exchange in the tissues, range of motion, opens nerve channels, and reduces pain.

The Yoga you will learn is breath centered and focused on improving movement patterns that have been effected by injury or pain.

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to Sep 22

China Yoga Therapy Conference Guangzhou, China

Brian is joining top teachers from China in TCM, Yoga Therapy, & Chi Gong at a Yoga Conference dedicated bridging the knowledge between Traditional Chinese Medicine, Contemporary Biomechanical Therapeutic Systems, and Yoga.

Brian is teaching workshops on:

Hands’s on Skills: MyoFascial Release Bodywork

Yoga for Low Back Pain

Compensation Patterns: How to address with Yoga & Hand’s on Bodywork

Accessing Earth Energy: Sensing Ground Reaction Force in our body & using it to heal

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to Aug 4

YogaBodyworkers Study Group ~ Building Community through Touch: Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles 90034 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

YogaBodyworkers Study Groups are short crash courses designed to be fun, build anatomy knowledge, increase our skills in Hand’s on Touch through Bodywork, and strengthen community.

The classes are short and sweet. About 60 minutes of Yoga to warm up, feel, and isolate in stretch and strengthening the key muscles of the day’s focus. Afterwards is a short enticing Anatomy Lecture with Bodywork demonstrations followed by partner work of giving and receiving.

Both days we will focus on how to use Breath to access, open, and increase more functional movement patterns in the body.

Saturday - The Neck, Shoulders, Arms, & Wrists

Sunday - The Hips & Low Back


The Campbell Comfort Zone - Home Studio Los Angeles

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to Jul 28

Pure Yoga ~ YogaBodyworkers Workshop: Hong Kong

Pure Yoga Peninsular Office - Hong Kong - July 26-28, 2019

YogaBodyworkers: Helping the Office-Worker Body Type with Bodywork & Forrest Yoga

Most students practicing Yoga have real-world jobs that keep them sitting in chairs for most of the day. The physical and mental stress from working in an office creates many symptoms that can be addressed with Bodywork and a specifically targeted Yoga practice. This workshop will teach you effective ways to use Hand’s on MyoFascial Release Bodywork techniques and Forrest Yoga to relieve the numerous complaints and ailments of the Officer-worker. 

YogaBodyworkers: Relieving Plantar Fasciitis Foot Pain with Bodywork & Forrest Yoga

Pain in the bottom of the foot is a common syndrome that effects both young and old. Nothing in the body exists in isolation and though the pain may be in the bottom foot there are many forces throughout the body that compound this issue. This workshop is dedicated to understanding the many types of forces that contribute to plantar fascia pain and how to use effective Hand’s on MyoFascial Release Bodywork techniques and Forrest Yoga asana principles to address this recurrent problem.

YogaBodyworkers: Releasing Neck Tension in Asana and Savasana

The neck is a portal into relaxation for the entire body. It is also one of the areas that holds the most tension. Neck tightness inhibits the body’s ability to fully let go and loosen up both mentally and physically. This workshop will teach you how to give and receive the best Savasana hands-on assist ever. You will also learn several methods of working with the neck in Yoga Asana and acquire skills in using Therapeutic touch techniques from the modalities MyoFascial Release and CranioSacral bodywork.

YogaBodyworkers: Balancing the Hip Flexors with Bodywork & Forrest Yoga

Tight Hip Flexors are one of the most common tension zones in Yoga students. Chronically tensed hip flexors often lead to other issues such as low back pain, weak abdominals, overstretched hamstrings, even neck and shoulder issues. This workshop is committed to balancing the hip flexors through Hands-on MyoFascial Release Bodywork and subtle but crucial movements derived from Forrest Yoga Asana.

YogaBodyworkers: Increase the Potency of your Touch - Healing Touch Techniques for Yoga Therapists & Bodyworkers

Our hands communicate in a language beyond words. They can relay Trust, Healing, Pleasure, Aggression, Fear, Nervousness… This class is about developing the skill of Sensing with our hands and refining how we use our body, our heart and our intention when we touch others. This class will help your hands become very clear and powerful with the intention they communicate during hand’s on work as a Yoga Teacher, a Parent, a Lover, a Friend, or as a Therapeutic Practitioner. You will be learning Asana Hand’s on Assists and Bodywork Touch Techniques with a partner. You can come by yourself and be partnered up during the class.

YogaBodyworkers: Hands on Bodywork to Relax the Nervous System

Our body is designed to heal quicker when we reduce our stress levels and regularly access quality states of relaxation. This class is about using our hands to help generate these relaxed states in another person so that deeper levels of healing can be accessed. We will learn about areas within the body containing nerve fibers that when touched in a certain way will stimulate a tranquility response throughout. The class goal is that awareness of these zones and the simplicity of the technique will become big tools for bringing more peacefulness into our lives and others.

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to Jul 14

YogaBodyworkers Study Group ~ Building Community through Touch: Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles 90034 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

YogaBodyworkers Study Groups are short crash courses designed to be fun, build anatomy knowledge, increase our skills in Hand’s on Touch through Bodywork, and strengthen community.

The classes are short and sweet. About 60 minutes of Yoga to warm up, feel, and isolate in stretch and strengthening the key muscles of the day’s focus. Afterwards is a short enticing Anatomy Lecture with Bodywork demonstrations followed by partner work of giving and receiving.

Both days we will focus on how to use Breath to access, open, and increase more functional movement patterns in the body.

Saturday - The Front of the Body - Neck, Chest, Ribcage, Abdomen

Sunday - The Back of the Body - Low Back, Mid-Back, Shoulders


The Campbell Comfort Zone - Home Studio Los Angeles

*Limited Space - email to register

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to Aug 15

Yoga Classes at Home Studio Tues & Thurs. 7-8:30pm: Los Angeles

Brian will be in Los Angeles teaching small group classes at his home studio. These are small group and intimate classes focuses on increasing our skillfulness on how to work with our breath and our own unique biomechanics to feel better, breathe better, and live better. The classes are Forrest Yoga inspired incorporating variations for pain, experimental abdominal exercise variations to address compensation patterns, and Chi Gong to open up breath channels during movement and to feel the art of working struggle free in your yoga practice.

7:00-8:30 pm Every Tuesday and Thursday evening between July 9 - August 15

The Campbell Comfort Zone - Home Studio Los Angeles, 90034

*Space is Limited. You must RSVP for each class. Email to sign up.

Cost: Donation (:

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to Jun 16

Evolution Asia Yoga Conference 2019: Hong Kong

  • Asia Yoga Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Increase the Potency of your Touch - Healing Touch Techniques for Yoga Therapists & Bodyworkers

Our hands communicate in a language beyond words. They can relay Trust, Healing, Pleasure, Aggression, Fear, Nervousness… This class is about developing the skill of Sensing with our hands and refining how we use our body, our heart and our intention when we touch others. This class will help your hands become very clear and powerful with the intention they communicate during hand’s on work as a Yoga Teacher, a Parent, a Lover, a Friend, or as a Therapeutic Practitioner. You will be learning Asana Hand’s on Assists and Bodywork Touch Techniques with a partner. You can come by yourself and be partnered up during the class.

Type of Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop

Level: All Levels

Context: 70% practice, 30% Lecture

Type of Yoga: YogaBodyworkers, Forrest Yoga, MyoFascial Release

Props for Students to Bring: must bring Yoga Mat, recommended cushion or blanket

Hands on Bodywork to Relax the Nervous System

Our body is designed to heal quicker when we reduce our stress levels and regularly access quality states of relaxation. This class is about using our hands to help generate these relaxed states in another person so that deeper levels of healing can be accessed. We will learn about areas within the body containing nerve fibers that when touched in a certain way will stimulate a tranquility response throughout. The class goal is that awareness of these zones and the simplicity of the technique will become big tools for bringing more peacefulness into our lives and others.

Type of Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop

Level: All Levels

Context: 70% practice, 30% Lecture

Type of Yoga: YogaBodyworkers, Forrest Yoga, MyoFascial Release

Props for Students to Bring: must bring Yoga Mat, recommended cushion or blanket

Ground Force Reaction:  Accessing the Energy that Heals All Injuries

In Yoga Asana practice we are playing with force transmission patterns in our body. In order to heal injuries our body must learn a new way of working with the energies of tension & compression. Our practice can be used to explore new ways of moving strength through underused pathways of neuromuscular connections. This builds support and takes the load off of the injured site so healing can begin. This course is about building a “sense map” of our own body and how to move forces through the body-wide continuum of muscles, fascia, bones, and organs.  It is about learning how to “sense”, increase our proprioception of where our strength is and where it is not and how to direct the energy of Ground Force Reaction through our body into the areas that need it. 

Type of Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop

Level: All Levels

Context: 70% practice, 30% Lecture

Type of Yoga: YogaBodyworkers, Forrest Yoga, MyoFascial Release

Props for Students to Bring: must bring Yoga Mat, recommended cushion or blanket

Hand’s-on Bodywork to Increase Breath Potential and Help Dysfunctional Breathing Patterns

Breath Function is near the top of the hierarchy of importance when working with Yoga, Meditation, and Healing. This means if breath potency improves then many other systems in the body also improve in functioning, both physiologically and mental/emotionally. This class combines the latest research on breath, heart, & brain studies, experiential breath work  and bodywork techniques. Class goals include: develop greater understanding of the mechanics and physiology of breath, refine our ability to sense breath in ourselves and others, and use Hands-on MyoFascial Release techniques & Pranayama to loosen restrictions on the breath in the Chest, Abdomen, Diaphragm & Neck.

Type of Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop

Level: All Levels

Context: 70% practice, 30% Lecture

Type of Yoga: YogaBodyworkers, Forrest Yoga, MyoFascial Release

Props for Students to Bring: must bring Yoga Mat, recommended cushion or blanket

A Guided Tour of Self-Discovery: Touching our Pelvic Bones, Muscles, & Ligaments

Take a short asana break, lay down and go on a journey of self-discovery. This class is an experiential anatomy adventure into your own pelvic bones. You will be guided through hands-on self-massage and palpation techniques of your Illium, Pubis, Ischium bones, Sacro-Illiac joint and the major ligaments and muscles of the pelvis. This is deeply relaxing, self-caring, and educational simultaneously. This is not partner work. You will be working only on yourself. 

Type of Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop

Level: All Levels

Context: 70% practice, 30% Lecture

Type of Yoga: YogaBodyworkers, Forrest Yoga, MyoFascial Release

Props for Students to Bring: must bring Yoga Mat, recommended cushion or blanket

“To Tuck or Not To Tuck and the Relative Notion of the Ideal Spinal Curve”

Though most every spine is composed of the same number of bones with similar shapes, each spine is like a snowflake, different and unique in the way it transmits force and has forces transmitted through it. What is ideal is distinct to each spine! This course is a quick study of the Spine, the common ways the spine goes into dysfunction, and then ways of assessing our own personal spinal compensation patterns and techniques for addressing them. This class includes hand’s on bodywork and yoga asana exercises. 

Type of Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop

Level: All Levels

Context: 70% practice, 30% Lecture

Type of Yoga: YogaBodyworkers, Forrest Yoga, MyoFascial Release

Props for Students to Bring: must bring Yoga Mat, recommended cushion or blanket

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to Jun 13

Forrest Yoga Anatomy for Yoga Teachers: Calgary, Canada

This 3-Day Course teaches you to know your anatomy by directly experiencing it in your own body. We will be covering all magor systems of the body: Skeletal, Muscular, Connetive Tissue, Circulatory, Respiratory, Nervous, Lymphatic systems and how to relate to what we are doing with the body in a Forrest Yoga Class. How we can use class sequencing to effectively work with different systems.

This course is the required Anatomy course for the Forrest Yoga Foundational Teaching Training. It is also open to the general public!


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to Nov 18

Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program: Vienna, Austria

This training teaches Teachers how to “see” and comprehend structural patterns through a Unified Anatomy Perspective based on the Myo-Fascial System. Each morning begins with a Forrest Yoga Ceremony & Intensive that includes Calling in the Four Directions, Chanting, and Meditation followed by a 2-hour asana practice to wake up your eyes, your hands and your heart. In the afternoon sessions, you will learn and practice Seeing global anatomy relationships and applying this understanding to your hands-on assists.


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to Jul 10

Forrest Yoga 8 Day Mentorship Program: Edinburgh, Scotland

This training teaches Teachers how to “see” and comprehend structural patterns through a Unified Anatomy Perspective based on the Myo-Fascial System. Each morning begins with a Forrest Yoga Ceremony & Intensive that includes Calling in the Four Directions, Chanting, and Meditation followed by a 2-hour asana practice to wake up your eyes, your hands and your heart. In the afternoon sessions, you will learn and practice Seeing global anatomy relationships and applying this understanding to your hands-on assists.

This course is a part of the Forrest Yoga 300-hour Certification (open to yoga teachers of any style) and qualifies for Continuing Education credits with Yoga Alliance.

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to May 18

Forrest Yoga: 3 Days of Anatomy for Yoga Teachers

This 3-Day Course teaches you to know your anatomy by directly experiencing it in your own body. We will be covering all magor systems of the body: Skeletal, Muscular, Connetive Tissue, Circulatory, Respiratory, Nervous, Lymphatic systems and how to relate to what we are doing with the body in a Forrest Yoga Class. How we can use class sequencing to effectively work with different systems.

This course is the required Anatomy course for the Forrest Yoga Foundational Teaching Training. It is also open to the general public!


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to May 13

Shaktifest: A Yoga and Kirtan Festival: Joshua Tree, CA

  • Joshua Tree Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sunset Yoga Ceremonies for Self Healing

Activate your “inner healer” and learn to mend the parts of your body and spirit that have been injured, neglected, or abused. This is transformational work that will hone your skills in self-care & empowerment. Each class will be assisted by Szilvia Campbell and accompanied musically by Ali Tariq and 12-year old son, Adrian Campbell. 

Classes are at Sunset on Friday(5/11) and Saturday(5/12) evening of the Festival. 

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to Jan 21

MyoFascial Bodywork & Forrest Yoga: London, England

Neck & Shoulders, Middle & Low Back

Two day short-course in Myo-Fascial Bodywork and Forrest Yoga. Each day begins with 60 minutes of Forrest Yoga with modifications and enhancements for injuries, followed by 2 hours of Hand's-on Bodywork exchange with partners.

Cost: £40 or £75 for full weekend


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