A Unified Anatomy Perspective Through the Myo-Fascial System
A 6-Day Continuing Education Training for Yoga Teachers of Any Style
This training teaches Teachers how to “see” and comprehend structural patterns through a Unified Anatomy Perspective based on the Myo-Fascial System. Each morning begins with a Forrest Yoga Ceremony & Intensive that includes Calling in the Four Directions, Chanting, and Meditation followed by a 2-hour asana practice to wake up your eyes, your hands and your heart. In the afternoon sessions, you will learn and practice Seeing global anatomy relationships and applying this understanding to your hands-on assists.
This course is a part of the Forrest Yoga 300-hour Certification (open to yoga teachers of any style) and qualifies for Continuing Education credits with Yoga Alliance.
In this 6-day training, you will:
Learn to work one-on-one with specific pain syndromes
Address the Myo-Fascia with hands-on yoga assists
Practice Seeing & Empathing Exercises designed for enhanced global Seeing
Learn comprehensively how emotions are associated with the Myo-fascial system
Unlock new depths of information through your sense of touch
PREREQUISITE: Completion of a 200-hour yoga teacher training, open to teachers of all asana styles and lineages
6:30-9am Forrest Yoga Morning Intensive, including 30 minutes of Forrest Yoga ceremony, song and meditation followed by a 2 hour pranayama and asana practice
9-11:15am Break
11:15-4:15pm Afternoon Teaching Sessions, including anatomy lessons, hands-on assist clinics, practice teaching, q&a, et cetera.
$1320; $1200 Early Bird if you sign up and pay in full by January 11
Payment Plans available.
Contact yogateachertraining@innerstellaryoga.com to inquire.