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MyoFascial Bodywork & Forrest Yoga: London, England

  • Indaba Yoga Studio London England (map)

Neck & Shoulders, Middle & Low Back

Two day short-course in Myo-Fascial Bodywork and Forrest Yoga. Each day begins with 60 minutes of Forrest Yoga with modifications and enhancements for injuries, followed by 2 hours of Hand's-on Bodywork exchange with partners.

Day 1 Neck and Shoulders

Day 2 Middle and Low Back

No experience is necessary. Brian will guide you through demonstrations of the techniques and teach you how to trust and “turn-on” your hands.

Bring a friend with you so you can learn news to connect and feel really good at the same time. You can also come alone, you will be partnered up at the class.

This workshop is for everybody, including the injured and structurally tweaky. You do not need to have healthy shoulders or neck to benefit.

Cost: £40 or £75 for full weekend
