Available Courses:
10 Day YogaBodyworkers
8 HOURS for 10 days $2500
Personal Development for Improving Movement Patterns through Ceremony, Science & Yoga
This training is for people who want to learn how to heal themselves so they can learn how to heal the hoop of the people. YogaBodyworker graduates are equipped with educational and practical tools that enhance movement within themselves and their clients. By exploring your own asymmetries, injuries, and anatomy through 10 Days of Yoga, Bodywork, & Ceremony, it becomes easier to know how to prescribe Yoga postures and appropriate bodywork to speed up recovery and improve intrinsic mobility patterns.
Our famous caress is the foundation of this work. Every day is an opportunity to apply touch in a highly skilled way.
We will cover 4 main sub-systems and how each relates to Breath function.
The Core
The Shoulders
The Hips
The Cranium
You will be trained to understand, feel, and see anatomy, breath and movement patterns in a whole new way. You will learn to feel how the relationships of muscular/fascial patterns shape the physical body and how it moves and breathes. You will learn to see how Emotions get stuck in the body and work with how the nervous system & breath responds. You will experience the difference between practicing in “thinking mode versus feeling mode” and learn effective ways to strengthen your ability to hold attention and discern deeper levels of feeling.
Daily Outline:
Chanting & Ceremony - Singing & Dancing!
2.5 hour Yoga Class with 2 Senior Guardian Forrest Yoga Teachers
Training in MyoFascial Release Bodywork for Scar Tissue, Injuries, Muscular & Joint Pain
Anatomy Training in seeing relationships of Muscle Patterns to common postural & joint dysfunctions
Learn to work one-on-one with a student
Work deeply on your physical injuries, emotional or spiritual blocks
Bond deeply with a like-minded community of healers
10-12:30 Ceremony, Chanting, Forrest Yoga Asana
12:30-2:30 Break
2:30-6pm Lectures, Bodywork Clinic, Q&A
5 Day YogaBodyworkers
8 Hours for 5 days $1200
Class Sequencing, Hand’s on Assisting, & MyoFascial Bodywork Training
This 5-day course is dedicated to energizing your healing hands as a Yoga Teacher and to enhance your artistry in sequencing yoga asana classes.
Each day you will be training your hand’s-on-assisting skills, waking-up your anatomy understanding and learning effective ways to work one-on-one with yoga students in asanas. We will cover how to work with injuries to spinal vertebrae, scar-tissue, musculo-skeletal injuries, and common yoga “trouble-spots”.
You will be learning the hand’s-on-assists for: side bends, spinal twists, backbends, inversions, abdominal core work, hip-openers, forward bends and the inner-work secrets to masterful hand’s on assisting.
Each day you will receive a different class plan, including classes for low-back injuries, backbends, twists, inversions, and hip-openers. Class sequencing is based upon Forrest Yoga class planning and is designed to heal injuries, get you stronger, and take you safely, deeper into your practice.
Day 1: Twists
Day 2: Backbends
Day 3: Hip-Openers
Day 4: Inversions
Day 5: Therapeutic Low Back
This course is designed for Yoga Teachers, but serious Yoga Students will also benefit and are welcome to join.
Daily Outline:
9-12 Yoga Ceremony, Chanting, Calling of Directions, Q&A
9-9:30 Ceremony & Chanting
9:30-11:30 Forrest Yoga Asana Ceremony
11:30-12 Q&A
12-1:30 Break
1:30-5:30 Afternoon training
1:30-2 Anatomy of Asana & Class Sequencing
2-4:30 Hand’s on Assisting Training
4:30-5:30 Asana Sequencing Training
5 Days Observing the Landscape- China
8 hours for 5 days $1000
Join Forrest Yoga Guardians Jambo Truong and Brian Campbell for this 5 Day Yoga Bodyworkers Training. In this training, you’ll learn assessment techniques are easily understood for practitioners from any tradition of Bodywork or Yoga. No previous training in Yoga or Bodywork needed to participate!
This course is taught through the lens of Yoga. Every morning we will “feel” our day’s subject in a 2.5 hour Forrest Yoga class. The afternoon sessions are designed to give you effective skills in:
Working with injuries
Seeing & understanding Anatomical Relationships
Myofascial Bodywork, Muscle Testing, & Muscle Activation Techniques
Giving & receiving Bodywork
Seeing & running energy
Use these assessment techniques to create your own method of translating prescriptive bodywork that is effective to relieve pain, compression, and hyper-mobility. This program will enable you to confidently create Beauty Bodywork sequences that are intuitive, from the heart, and re-assuring to your learning processes!
This training will cover completely new material outside of the 10-Day Yoga Bodyworkers Training! Some things to look forward to in this training: Everything you EVER need to know about Reflexology, Muscles of inhalation & exhalation- bodywork to improve all stages of breathing, Cranial Skills Part 1, Knee Injuries.
5 Day Unwinding the Breath -Los Angeles
8 hours for 5 days
to register email: Szilviaforrestyoga@gmail.com course content question email: Jambo@Jamboyoga.com
Unwinding Breath Patterns through the sub-systems/Unwinding Sub-system patterns through the Breath
Forrest Yoga Guardians Brian Campbell and Jambo Truong are taking a small group to a deeper level of understanding dysfunctional movement patterns and how to both see and treat symptoms by working on restrictions observed in the movement of Internal Abdominal Pressure I.A.P. during breathing.
Each day of this 5-Day course begins with 3 hours of Ceremony, Chanting, & Forrest Yoga and is followed in the afternoons with 4 hours of training in seeing relationship patterns and the appropriate bodywork protocols.
This is an advanced course in a small private setting limited to 12 people.
Application for course must be confirmed and approved before confirmation of Registration.
Yoga Body Workers Trailer
Here is a short clip of what to expect from an empowering Yoga Bodyworkers Training near you!
For reservations or information on the trainings:
Each training is run by a local host, will have slight variations in schedule, techniques, topics covered, and pricing. Please contact each training you are interested in directly.
Bodywork is a means of communicating with another being through the medium of Touch. The communication is happening within the neuro-muscular-fascial-fatty-lymphatic-vascularized sleeve of tissue that surrounds everything in the body down to bone, organs, & brain.
The method of communication is through engaging this sleeve of tissue in an infinite number of ways.
Through Bodywork we listen and feel what is “the truth” within the tissues as they present in a given moment. The body will communicate the truth of it’s structural stress, it’s compensations in its breath patterns, and it’s zone’s of natural uptake. If you listen with your hands the body will communicate so much more than a person’s answer to the question, “how does your body feel?”
The conversation happening in bodywork can go in many directions depending upon how we use touch. The dialogue I seek is to meet someone at the level where they can receive me. To be in a breath by breath interplay of feeling and releasing tension at the organic rate that is unique to each person. This gives someone control so they learn how to let go of of control and feel what is beneath that, safely, without being overstimulated or put into defense mode.
It is at the “neural edge” that communication becomes fascinating. Every tissue has a neural edge to it, whether it is locked short or long or interwoven deeply between layers or especially if there is emotional reactivity laden in the tissues. If you press in too hard too fast, this communicates a threat even if your intentions to release the tissues are good. The response to a threat is to contract against it. This is a very confusing form of communication because it is nearly impossible to be in a state of release and defense simultaneously.
When the entire neuro-muscular-fascial-fatty-lymphatic-vascularized sleeve is engaged in a way that it’s entirety feels good, than the deeper layers of adhesions, scars, and compensatory patterns show and release themselves with more ease.
The most profound approach to communicating with the body is through the Caress. The Caress is the backbone of all touch techniques. It is best displayed in how Mom or Dad soothes with touch their young child, or how a dog and dog-lover communicate through play and petting. The medicine of the Caress comes through in how it communicates to the receiver that they are perfect as they are, they are worthy of being touched in a way that makes them feel good, and that they are safe, loved, and cared for.
Without the Caress as a backbone most forms of bodywork tends toward being mechanistic. With the Caress, the body’s neuro-muscular-fascial-fatty-lymphatic-vascularized sleeve learns how to uptake pleasure and meet it’s own tension in ways that release and process out through the entire body.