On-Line Classes
Working with Assymetries & Rotations - a Year long series
12 weekends - the first Saturday & Sunday of each month
Starting March 6-7 from 7:30-9am PST
1. Integrating the Feet - Plantar Fascitits, Foot Pain and Integrating the Forces of Weight Transmission between the Body and the Feet
Both days have theory, practice and self-myofascial release to shift the forces that contribute to plantar fasciitis
2. Integrating the legs - Calf muscles, shinsplints, and Lower Leg Fascia Clean-up
Day 1 open ands and activates the Superficial layers Tibialis Anterior, Toe Extensors, and Fibularis muscles
Day 2 opens activates integrates the Deep Posterior Compartment of the Calf muscles
3. Balancing the Knees -
Day 1 - Front and Back Relationship of Quads and Hamstrings
Day 2 - Inner, Outer, and Spiral lines of the Knee
4. The Sit-Bones, Posterior Tilting and Rotated Pelvis
Both days include Practice and Self-Bodywork
Day 1 Freeing the Restrictions
Day 2 Activating New Lines of Support
Focused areas: Hamstrings, Adductors, Abdominal muscles, Psoas, Pelvic floor, and the web of fascia that moves from and stabilizes the sit-bones.
5. Optimizing Breath Patterns
Focus is on finding and reducing compensation patterns in our body for more relaxed breathing
Day 1 - Lower Breath
Abdomem & visceral fascia, Diaphragm, Scar-tissue from Abdominal Surgeries,
Day 2 - Upper Breath
Thoracic Spine, Ribcage, Heart, Releasing Neck & Jaw
Major Concepts:
Sensing Fascial Planes, Directionality & Force Transmission
Extrinsic versus Intrinsic ( Core versus Sleeve)
Energy Expenses - Fast Twitch Slow Twitch Muscles and Breathing
Fulcrum Breathing versus The Breath Wave
6. One Leg Shorter, One Hip Higher Class
Both days of this course are dedicated to using our hands to unglue the adhesions between pelvis and ribcage and using movement mechanics in our practice to shift vectors of force in our weight transmission to activate the weak links in this postural type.
Focused work includes, Rectus Sheath, Obliques,, Transversus Abdominus, Quadratus lomborum, Psoas, and Sit-Bone Attachments
7. Rotated Ribs or Thoracic Vertebrae
Day 1 & Day 2 include Practices and Hands on work to decelerate or turn off overworking muscle bands and to activate to turn on new bands of underused muscular links.
Focused muscles: Intercostals, Obliques & Rectus Fascia, Pectorals, and Serratus Anterior and Posterior
8. The Low Back & Abdomen - Building our Power and Sensing our Center
Two Days of Exercises and Hands on Self Bodywork to build your connection to your biomechanical and energetic centers. Unwinding and Decceleratie overactive muscles, relax into strength, activate underused lines of weight transmission
Focused work on Balancing Psoas and Hip Flexors with Thoraco Lumbar Fascia and underlying Erector Spinae muscle and the Abdominal Muscles
9. Shoulder Joints Scapula Balancing, One Shoulder Higher than Other
Two Days of Practice and Self-MyoFascial Release to Identify and Balance local Muscle compensations, adhesions, faulty fulcrums and Integrate them into a bodywide field of support. A goal is to teach the shoulders how to link into the support from the legs and trunk, so overused asymmetrical tensions can be reduced.
Focused work includes: Pectorals, Lats, QL, Obliques, Serratus Anterior, Trapezius, Sublcavius,
10. Elbows and Wrists
Day 1 Elbows
Day 2 Wrists
Two days of integrating the Elbows and Wrists with the Shoulders, Trunk and Legs. Our goal is to feel our elbows and wrist in relation to the rest of our body and free up the adhesions that act as leveraging fulcrums locally and in the neck and shoulders.
Both days include Practices with Stretch and Strengthening guides for both joints and also integration practices the teach the elbows and wrists how to move with the support of the rest of the body. and self myo-fascial release practices.
11. Unwinding Neck, Jaw & Suboccipital Tension
Both Days are spent working locally on myo-fascial adhesions and trigger points and doing exercises that work to integrate the neck and cranium in a lighter more balanced position at the top of our body.
Focused worked on the Scalenes, SCM, Suboccipitals, Masseter, and Pterygoids
12. Spinal Curves and the Legs
Both days inviestigate the relationship of our individual spinal curve to our breath and to the forces of support in the legs and pelvis. Both classes use practices and self-myo fascial release work to feel and build greater fluidity and ease in movement. A focused goal is learn how to shift weight transmission through the trunk, legs, and feet so the spine is free to move more naturally with the breath.