Mid-Back Pain Prevention Excersises
Video Includes
• Detailed explanation and guided sequence to build and strengthen muscles around your soar areas.
• Working with your breath and the flow of movement that is natural with your body you are able to bring expansion and space to your vessel.
• 5 Focused yoga exercises to build strength, lengthen, and support surrounding muscles.
Focused Yoga Exercises
• 3 Part Twisting Abs with a Roll - Feet on the Floor.
• Dolphin Prep.
•Dolphin Pose.
• Lounge Lizard.
• Reclined Spinal Twist Hands on the Mid-Ribs.
Pain Prevention Series
5 Part Series
Stretching and focused yoga exercises to the surrounding muscles can create prolonged relaxation and prevent possible injury in the future. Muscles that are in pain are usually over elongated or too stretched out already, but stretching surrounding muscles you are able to relax the tight areas. While working with breath and small movements, your muscles create new small balancing and support strength to help prevent future injuries.
More Videos On Demand from the Pain Prevention Series
Focused yoga stretches and muscle building exercises drawing your shoulders back while aligning your spine and posture.
RENT FOR $5 / per YEAR
RENT FOR $5 / per YEAR
By stretching the low back both rotationally and by strengthening the upper and side back muscles you can prevent further injury.
RENT FOR $5 / per YEAR
RENT For $5 / Per Year
Free Intro
Here is short video on how we experience pain in our daily life and how we can use yoga exercises to relieve it.
For on demand videos click here.
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