Low Back Pain Relief Exercises
Video Includes
• Detailed exercise sequence to alleviate pain.
• Focused yoga exercises and breath control for each movement.
•Step by step explanation and demonstation of each stretch.
• 5 focused stretches to give you immediate pain relief.
Focused Yoga Exercises
• Abdominals with a Roll - Feet on the floor.
• Abdominals with a Roll - Feet on the wall.
• Bridge with a Roll.
• Lounge Lizard with a Roll.
• Reclined Spinal Twist
Pain Relief Series
5 part series
Brian's passion in life is to help people get out of pain where ever it exists in your body. Using focused yoga exercises and stretches he demonstrates and guides your through these pain alleviating series. Each exercise builds upon the previous one, these will get you out of pain and out of soreness.
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RENT FOR $5 / per YEAR
RENT FOR $5 / per YEAR
RENT For $5 / Per Year
Free Intro
Here is short video on how we experience pain in our daily life and how we can use yoga exercises to relieve it.