Brian Campbell 

Brian is a Bodyworker, a Forrest Yoga Guardian Teacher, and a hands-on teacher of Anatomy and Myo-Fascial Release Massage. He has 17 years experience doing Pain specific Structural Massage and 15 years teaching Forrest Yoga in Los Angeles.

Brian’s magic is built upon a synergy of Forrest Yoga & Myo-Fascial Bodywork. His mission is to teach people worldwide how to use their hands to help relieve pain in others. 

Brian was a Head Teacher at the Shiatsu Massage School of California in Santa Monica from 2006-2014, teaching Anatomy & Physiology, Pain & Orthopedic Evaluation, Deep-Tissue Massage, and Advanced Myo-Fascial Anatomy & Treatment Courses.

In 2007, Ana Forrest asked Brian to become a Level 5 “Guardian Teacher”, the highest level of distinction in the Forrest Yoga system. As a Guardian, he has committed to Mentoring new Teachers and to carry on the Forrest Yoga Legacy of Healing to future generations. 

In 2013, Brian was hospitalized with “Valley Fever” (coccydiomycosis). It took him 12 months to fully recuperate. During this time he learned how to work through his own body with arthritic and degenerative joint conditions. Now his Forrest Yoga & Bodywork classes are specifically informed and geared towards working with pain and injuries. 

Brian’s most current project is the YogaBodyworkers Training. In these 10-Day courses, Brian has teamed up with fellow Forrest Yoga Guardian Jambo Truong to teach Yoga Teachers, Medical Professionals, and people from all backgrounds how to test the Muscle Functioning of the body’s 16 most important Structural Muscles and how to use MyoFascial Bodywork and Forrest Yoga to resolve pain syndromes and bring the body into optimal conditioning. Brian is leading these trainings and other MyoFascial, Hands-on Anatomy & Forrest Yoga courses throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.